By submitting this registration, you agree to the following:
CAPPA Training Terms & Conditions
I agree to allow CAPPA Faculty to do the following:
Publish my name, phone number, and email address for the doula trainee class list & referral list.
Take photographs of the training which may include me, as well as allow CAPPA Faculty and CAPPA to use these photographs for promotional purposes online and in print.
Use quotes from my training evaluations (which I may fill out anonymously) for promotional purposes online and in print.
I agree to the following cancellation/refund policy:
If CAPPA Faculty cancels the workshop, students have the option of receiving a full refund or transferring to another workshop taught by the same CAPPA Faculty member.
All other cancellations and transfers will be charged a $100.00 processing fee.
If the cancellation is made within three weeks of the workshop, no refund will be given.
Cancellations prior to training have the option of having payment applied to a training workshop given by the same CAPPA Faculty within 12 months. (No-shows are not eligible for registration transfer.) Only ONE transfer of registration is permitted. If applicant does not attend a workshop within 12 months, all fees are forfeited.
I understand I should not make non-refundable travel arrangements unless I have received a confirmation email from [email protected] that the training is confirmed.
In the event of hazardous weather, an “act of God”, or any other travel issues making it impossible for CAPPA faculty to hold the workshop, a makeup option will be made available. CAPPA Faculty is not responsible for any travel expenses students may incur.
I agree to the following policies:
I understand that I may not record the training workshop (audio or video).
I understand that I may not photograph any PowerPoint slides, training materials, certificates of completion, or any other intellectual property belonging to CAPPA or CAPPA Faculty.
I may not reproduce, publish, or distribute any materials in the training manual.
I may not reproduce, publish, or distribute any certification materials, other than for the purpose of fulfilling my certification requirements (i.e. copying the evaluation forms for my clients to fill out).
I may not reproduce, publish, photograph, share, email, or distribute any materials in the training hand outs or manual other than for the purpose of using them for my personal business as a labor doula.
I may take photographs of CAPPA Faculty and the participants ONLY with the express permission of CAPPA Faculty and the participants. I may not use these photographs for any purpose other than personal use. They may not be used for any advertising purpose, nor sold or transferred to any other party without the express permission of the parties in the photograph. CAPPA encourages you to share pictures of your training, keeping in mind that if another participant is in the picture, they must give permission AND no CAPPA Proprietary information can be shared.
Babies/children are not permitted at training. Nursing babies are welcome during lunch. Off-site childcare arrangements are the sole responsibility of the trainee.
Certificate of training completion is given only if the entire training is attended, the Pre-Training Assignment is completed and training fees are paid in full.
I understand that this workshop is only one step in becoming a CAPPA Certified Labor Doula. There are several other steps that I must complete after the workshop in order to be eligible for certification by CAPPA.
I understand that I must enroll in CAPPA Academy, an online certification component, to complete my certification requirements, receive instruction on completing certification, download forms, and take my certification exams.
I understand that should I choose to complete the certification process, I must be a CAPPA member. Membership can be purchased at
I understand that CAPPA and CAPPA Faculty do not assume any liability for adverse reactions to foods consumed or anything one may come into contact with while at the training or during any activity you may attend whether inside or outside the training.
I understand that I will receive an email confirmation from [email protected] within 72 hours of submitting this form. If I do not receive that confirmation, I will contact Debbie Hull at [email protected] to ensure that the registration was received. I understand that the auto-response generated by JotForm upon completion of the registration form is not confirmation of registration.
I understand that I am not registered for this workshop until I have completed this registration AND the payment for the workshop fee has been received by Debbie Hull.
I understand that I must be at least 18 years old to take a CAPPA workshop.
I verify that all of the information given in this application is true. I further affirm that by filling out and submitting this intake form, I agree to the terms as given herein, in lieu of physical signature.